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Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Posted by Unknown On 01.35 0 komentar



Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa islam memiliki tatanan bahasa yang santun dan sangat sopan sekali dalam keseharian kita melakukan syariatnya. Begitu juga kata kata mutiara yang biasa kita dengar, kata mutiara tersebut bisa beraneka ragam dalam fungsinya yaitu untuk menghormati seseorang ataupun sesama islam.

kata kata mutiara islam tentang cinta

Kata kata mutiara buat sahabat juga bisa kita sampaikan dengan gaya islami. Lalu seperti apakah kata kata mutiara islam tentang cinta? Cinta dalam islam adalah cinta yang hakiki, bisa kita artikan cinta kepadaNya, cinta kepada orang tua, cinta kepada seorang kekasih dan cinta kepada alam. Berikut ini adalah kata kata tersebut.

Kata Kata Mutiara Islam Tentang Cinta

Tanda cinta kepada Allah adalah banyak mengingat (menyebut) Nya, karena tidaklah engkau menyukai sesuatu kecuali engkau akan banyak mengingatnya. Ar Rabi’ bin Anas (Jami’ al ulum wal Hikam, Ibnu Rajab)
Aku tertawa (heran) kepada orang yang mengejar-ngejar (cinta) dunia padahal kematian terus mengincarnya, dan kepada orang yang melalaikan kematian padahal maut tak pernah lalai terhadapnya, dan kepada orang yang tertawa lebar sepenuh mulutnya padahal tidak tahu apakah Tuhannya ridha atau murka terhadapnya. Salman al Farisi (Az Zuhd, Imam Ahmad)
Sebaiknya cinta kepada makhluk, bukankah kita seharusnya lebih mencintai Dia. Lalu mengapa kita mengkhianati kesucian agamaNya.
Cinta manusia adalah sebaik baiknya cinta yang diberikan oleh sang Kholik untuk makhlukNya. Berikan cinta setulus hati jika kita ingin mendapatkan cintaNya.
Engkau berbuat durhaka kepada Allah, padahal engkau mengaku cinta kepada-Nya? Sungguh aneh keadaan seperti ini. Andai kecintaanmu itu tulus, tentu engkau akan taat kepada-Nya. Karena sesungguhnya, orang yang mencintai itu tentu selalu taat kepada yang ia cintai. A’idh Al-Qorni
Semoga kata kata mutiara islam tentang cinta ini bisa menjadi rujukan anda dalam memberikan cinta sepenuh hati kepada sesama. Kita jalin kehidupan cinta sesuai dengan syariat islam, jaga selalu keindahan agama islam dan letakkan islam agamaku di dalam lubuk hati kita.

Posted by Unknown On 01.25 0 komentar

Bunda, jangan beri bayi anda makanaan padat sebelum umur 6 bulan

Bunda, jangan beri bayi anda makanaan padat sebelum umur 6 bulan

Jakarta, Makanan padat atau makanan pendamping ASI sebaiknya jangan diberikan sebelum bayi berumur 6 bulan. Jika makanan padat diberikan terlalu dini bisa memicu obesitas maupun menyebabkan alergi.

"Makanan padat bisa jadi rendah nutrisi baiknya dan tinggi kalori. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan obesitas pada bayi, alergi atau eksim, dan itu terkait dengan diabetes," terang Dr Deb Lonzer, seorang dokter anak dari Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, Amerika Serikat, seperti dikutip dari Fox News, Selasa (26/3/2013).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) menemukan ada bayi yang diberi makanan padat di usia 4 bulan. Bahkan ada yang telah mendapat makanan padat saat masih berusia 4 minggu.

Dalam penelitiannya, CDC menginterview 1.300 ibu, di mana 40 persen di antaranya telah mengenalkan makanan padat sebelum bayi berusia 4 bulan. Alasan ibu memberikan makanan padat itu beraneka macam. Ada yang menyebut bayinya sudah cukup umur untuk makan makanan padat, karena bayi terlihat lapar, dan karena ingin bayinya mendapat makanan tambahan selain ASI ataupun susu formula.

"Mereka mendapatkan informasi dari berbagai sumber seperti teman, kerabat, internet, dan itu semua membuat mereka tidak benar-benar yakin dengan apa yang telah dilakukannya," ucap Dr Lonzer.

Bahkan masih ada ibu yang percaya bayinya akan tidur lebih nyenyak dan akan lebih bahagia jika mendapat asupan makanan padat. Terkait kasus ini Akademi Dokter Anak Amerika (AAP) kembali mengingatkan bahwa pemberian makanan padat sebelum bayi berusia 6 bulan dapat meningkatkan berbagai risiko sakit kronis. Hal ini bisa memangkas manfaat pemberian ASI pada bayi.

Dr Lonzer mengingatkan jika bayi terlihat tidak puas dengan ASI yang telah diminumnya, para ibu jangan buru-buru memberinya makanan padat. Hal yang harus dilakukan adalah berkonsultasi dengan dokter anak terlebih dahulu.

"Jika bayi di bawah 6 bulan sudah minum banyak ASI atau susu formula tapi seperti masih lapar atau jadi rewel sepanjang waktu, itu sama sekali tidak ada kaitannya dengan pemberian makanan," terang Dr Lonzer.

Nah, Bunda jika bayi Anda rewel jangan buru-buru 'mencekokinya' dengan makanan padat. Mungkin hal itu karena tingkah laku atau berkaitan dengan masalah medis.(vit/mer)

Posted by Unknown On 01.15 0 komentar

BlackBerry Stumbles on Disappointing Earnings: Ahead of the Ticker

BlackBerry Stumbles on Disappointing Earnings: Ahead of the Ticker

Stock quotes in this article: BBRY, GOOG, AAPL, TWC, MSFT 
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of BlackBerry (BBRY_) plunged Friday morning after reporting disappointing first-quarter earnings.
The stock is down 27% to $10.52 in trading Friday morning.
The smartphone maker reported a loss from continuing operations of $67 million, or 13 cents a share, excluding items, on revenue of $3.1 billion. The results came in below analysts' expectations of a profit of 6 cents a share on revenue of $3.36 billion, according to Thomson Reuters.
The three months through June 1 marked the first quarter that included sales of the new BlackBerry 10. The company reported shipments of 6.8 million total smartphones during the period, 2.7 million of which were BlackBerry 10 devices. Analysts widely estimated about a million more BB10 device shipments.
The BlackBerry 10 operating system launched in January on the touchscreen Z10, followed by the Q10 in April, though it didn't hit the U.S. until June.

Google (GOOG_) is said to be developing an Android video game console. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, Google is working on the console as well as a wristwatch, both of which could be available as soon as this fall.
The report comes as rumors circulate about Apple's (AAPL_) plans for a new-generation Apple TV box and its own smartwatch.
The Journal also reported that Google is working on expanding its hardware offerings and has plans for a new version of a Nexus Q music-streaming device. Google revealed the Nexus Q in June 2012, but never brought it to market.

Time Warner Cable (TWC_) announced an agreement with Microsoft (MSFT_) that will bring its TV app to the Xbox 360 video game system. Through the agreement, Time Warner Cable subscribers who are also Xbox Live Gold members can download the app onto the Xbox 360. Customers will be able to watch up to 300 live TV channels right away.

The app will be available for a free download in the Xbox Live Marketplace within a couple months.
Blair Westlake, corporate vice president of the Media & Entertainment Group at Microsoft, said the companies will continue to expand their partnership.

The chatter on Main Street (a.k.a. Google, Yahoo! and other search sites) is always of interest to investors on Wall Street. Thus, each day, TheStreet compiles the stories that are trending on the Web, and highlights the news that could make stocks move. -- Written by Brittany Umar.

Brittany joined TV in November 2006 after completing a degree in Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers College. Previously, Brittany interned at the local ABC affiliate in New York City WABC-TV 7 where she helped research and produce On Your Side, a popular consumer advocacy segment.

Posted by Unknown On 01.12 0 komentar

South Korea stops anti-North leaflet launch

South Korea stops anti-North leaflet launch

June 29, 2013 - Updated 1125 PKT
From Web Edition
 759  1  2  0

SEOUL: South Korean police on Saturday stopped a planned launch of anti-Pyongyang leaflets following a threat of violent retaliation by the North.

A group of defectors from North Korea and US human rights activists had said they would use gas-filled balloons to drop 200,000 leaflets critical of Pyongyang over the tense border.

But a contingent of plain-clothed policemen prevented the activists from unloading the pamphlets and other materials for the launch from a pickup truck at Imjingak, a tourist site near the border.

Hours earlier, the North's military warned it would fire upon the launch site, denouncing the activists as "human scum" and warning the launch site was "within the range of direct sighting strike".

A leading activist, Park Sang-Hak, was taken into custody briefly after he attempted to drive the vehicle through a police line to get to the planned launch site, some 300 meters (1,000 feet) away.

"I'm wondering what they're so afraid of. Why is it illegal? Why is it wrong in what we are doing?" Thor Halvorssen, president of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation (HRF), told journalists.

"If South Korea is going to do everything because of threats from North Korea, then South Korea is a hostage. South Korea is not a free country," he said.

Police stopped similar launches in April and May this year, citing protests from local residents living in the area.

Local residents oppose such action as the North has threatened to shell sites used to launch leaflets which often carry messages such as calls for an uprising against the communist regime.

Posted by Unknown On 01.08 0 komentar

Metropolitan Museum Sheds Its Metal Admissions Tags

How Shocking: Met Unbuttons

Metropolitan Museum Sheds Its Metal Admissions Tags

Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Metal tags will no longer be used as admission to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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The “French Connection” was in theaters. The Mets and the Yankees finished in fourth place. The city referred to itself as the Big Apple for the first time in advertising campaigns. And that same year, 1971, the Metropolitan Museum of Art introduced a colorful piece of metal as its admission ticket, a tiny doodad that came to occupy a large place in the reliquary of New York City, along with Greek-themed coffee cups, I ♥ NY T-shirts and subway tokens.
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Readers’ Comments

"They're a small but important delight; a proprietary element within the total Met experience. It's a mistake to move away from them."
Peter, Brooklyn
Now the Met’s admission button will go the way of the token. Citing the rising cost of the tin-plate pieces and the flexibility of a new paper ticket system using detachable stickers, the Met will end the buttons’ 42-year run on Monday, the same time it switches to a seven-day-a-week schedule instead of being closed on Mondays.
“I regret it slightly myself,” said Thomas P. Campbell, the museum’s director. “One of my assistants has a whole rainbow of the colored buttons on her desk.” But he and Harold Holzer, the museum’s senior vice president for public affairs, who oversees admissions and visitor services, said that the buttons had become an antiquated luxury.
“We realize, without sounding crass, that it’s a beloved brand and a beloved symbol,” Mr. Holzer said. But the price of the metal has risen, he said, and the number of manufacturers the museum could go to for competitive prices has dwindled. “It just became too expensive. We saw that it was inevitable.”
Metal admissions buttons are fashion accessories for visitors at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but not after Monday.
Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Metal admissions buttons are fashion accessories for visitors at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but not after Monday.
Over the years of its existence, the button became an accidental tourist totem — evidence not only that the city had been visited but also that high culture had been revered. And the button became a kind of art object in its own right, described once by Met curators as a kind of coin with a “multilayered tissue of readings and meanings.” It has been recycled into artworks like Ji Eon Kang’s “Dress,” made from hundreds of the buttons assembled like chain mail. Its design has been incorporated into Met mugs and T-shirts. And it has been collected by the hundreds by a certain kind of Met devotee. (Collecting all 16 colors could also help you slip into the museum without paying the suggested $25 admission price; the colors are changed daily in random order.)
A guide to the Met's colored buttons.
Karsten Moran for The New York Times
A guide to the Met's colored buttons.
The current design, bearing an “M” adapted from a 16th-century woodcut illustration based on a Leonardo drawing, figures in the Met’s sense of its own identity, including the museum’s internal newsletter, which uses the button in its nameplate. Even the announcement that the Met would be open seven days a week borrowed the familiar iconography; it showed a line of six shiny buttons representing the days of the week, with a seventh added for Monday.
The buttons were introduced a year after the Met instituted a suggested-price admission system, replacing paper tickets and stickpins, and they seemed to capture the spirit of the new admissions policy, acting as a souvenir instead of a receipt.
“That badge became the un-ticket,” said Ellen Lupton, senior curator of contemporary design at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. “You weren’t paying to get into the museum; you were making a donation. And in exchange you got this beautiful little thing that also has a control function.”
Metal admissions buttons from the Metropolitan Museum of Art have become dresses.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metal admissions buttons from the Metropolitan Museum of Art have become dresses.
Museums around the world followed suit, with metal (or, increasingly, plastic) badges now standard issue in many institutions. The Met’s own badges have evolved too, in terms of text and typeface (an “M” set in Bodoni and the initials “MMA” are among past iterations), as well as color. Hundreds of shades have come and gone, and those now in use are known by idiosyncratic in-house nicknames — Mole, Hubba Bubba, Piglet, Poupon. The one-inch badges — known in the admissions-button industry as litho tabs — are made by Kraus & Sons, a manufacturing company based in Chelsea that also created the museum’s first banners in the 1960s.
To keep up with the more than six million people who visit each year, the museum orders 1.6 million of the buttons four times a year, Mr. Holzer said, and they now cost about three cents per button, up from two cents only a few years ago. The new paper tickets will cost only about a penny each, and they will give the museum the space to promote shows, new and soon to close, and, Mr. Holzer added, a space “to sell to corporate sponsors” for advertising.
The colored buttons in their storage bins.
Karsten Moran for The New York Times
The colored buttons in their storage bins.
The tickets will also be easier on the environment, though the Met does ask patrons to drop their buttons in a bowl on the way out the door, for placement in the city’s metal recycling system.
The new ticket-stickers will incorporate a version of the Leonardo “M,” evoking the button. But in an era in which physical objects seem to be rapidly dematerializing into the digital, the loss of a durable little chunk of the Met will undoubtedly be missed.
“It’s sad,” said Monica Mahoney, a 46-year-old fashion designer who recently moved to Los Angeles from New York but was back on Thursday and paying a visit to the museum, as she often does. “Everyone now will keep these, like they keep subway tokens. But it’s just a memory of New York.”
But other patrons say they will suffer from no postbutton nostalgia. “They always fall off,” said Malcolm Roberts, 66, a retired teacher who grew up in Brooklyn but now lives in Lakewood Ranch, Fla. “And then, walking around the museum, I would feel like the emperor — naked. If it’s the difference between buying a Monet and keeping these, they can buy the Monet.”

Posted by Unknown On 00.52 0 komentar

Displaced Shias relocated from Indonesia sports facility

Displaced Shias relocated from Indonesia sports facility
Officials on Thursday (June 20th) began relocating 160 Shia Muslims who had taken refuge in a sports facility after attacks on their villages forced them from their homes nine months ago in the Sampang Regency of Madura Island, local media reported. 

 Displaced Shias relocated from Indonesia sports facility
JAKARTA, Indonesia (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Officials on Thursday (June 20th) began relocating 160 Shia Muslims who had taken refuge in a sports facility after attacks on their villages forced them from their homes nine months ago in the Sampang Regency of Madura Island, local media reported.

Their belongings were placed in trucks and a bus owned by the East Java provincial government was used to transport the refugees.

"We're confused about where they want to take us," Matsali, a displaced person, told The Jakarta Globe.

Tempo reported the Shia and their belongings are being moved to Sidoarjo.

National Police chief Timur Pradopo said 2,000 police officers were assigned to the area and that no one was injured during the resettlement operation witnesses say was marked by shouting and crying. Hundreds of Sunni Muslims reportedly gathered to cheer as the Shia were relocated from the facility.

Posted by Unknown On 00.42 0 komentar

Resources for College Students

Resources for College Students

We've gathered information to help you be successful in college including how to renew your FAFSA each year, places to look for jobs and internships and lists of resources at your college or university.
Just click on a topic to find out more. And remember that you can always contact your college coach with questions!
Scholarships for Current College Students

Get help with your scholarship questions by choosing a category below.
Where to Find Scholarships
Tips for Filling Out Scholarship Applications
Scholarship Scams to Avoid
National Scholarship Databases

Where to Find Scholarships
  • Check out your school’s website for scholarships! Every school has scholarship funds for their students.
  • Ask your academic advisor or check out the departmental office at your college to see if you can apply for scholarships that pertain to your major.
  • Register with online search engines that will feed available scholarships directly to your email or simply scan the website for available scholarships.
Tips for Filling Out Scholarship Applications
1. Scholarship requirements
Most scholarships have various requirements: ethnicity, citizenship, college enrollment or intended enrollment, social security number, participation in various activities, connection to stated affiliations, and many others. Make sure that you meet all the requirements before applying.

2. Deadlines
All scholarships have DEADLINES. Be sure to check if the deadline is “postmarked” or “received by.” For instance if the deadline is postmarked by February 15, then your scholarship materials should be sent out by 4:30 p.m. on February 15. If the date is received by February 15, then plan ahead and send out your scholarship materials at least five days before the deadline.

3. Recommenders
Many scholarships will ask for letters of recommendation. The recommender can range from a professor, a community leader you have volunteered with or worked under, and other academic mentors (like your academic advisor or the director/coordinator of a campus office). These will be important people to ask for letters of recommendation when applying for scholarships. You want to know your recommender well so they can speak positively on your behalf.

4. Essays
Some scholarships will ask you for an essay. Try to cater your essay to the specific scholarship and questions. Have your college coach or a friend proofread your essay.

5. GPA
Many scholarships will have GPA requirements, so check the requirement before you apply. Try to keep your GPA above a 2.7 so you can qualify for most scholarships. If you have a high GPA, definitely start applying and looking for merit scholarships. If you are a freshman with less than a semester in college, use your high school GPA.

6. The application
Some scholarship applications, especially the online applications, can seem simple and short, but you should still take the scholarship seriously. With fewer factors to be reviewed on a scholarship application, every part of your application matters.

7. Add a pre-stamped post card
When sending in your application, it is a good idea to also add a pre-stamped postcard addressed to yourself. Ask the scholarship foundation/provider to return the postcard to you when they have received your application. Many scholarship foundations receive so many applications that they cannot respond to everyone via email or phone.

8. Do you have questions? Do you need help finding scholarships? Call your college coach or come see us at an Admission Possible office.
Scholarship Scams to Avoid
Sometimes opportunities are too good to be true. Scholarships are no exception to this rule. When you apply for scholarships, be on the lookout for potential scams.
Here are a few ways to spot a potential scam:
  • A fee is required to process the application
  • The potential of winning a scholarship is used to sell other goods/services
  • A scholarship is guaranteed before applying
  • Scholarship has little/no eligibility requirements
Wondering whether a scholarship you know about is a scam or not? You can . . .
  • Google it! Type in the name of the scholarship and then type in “scam” after it and see what comes up. If others have been scammed by the scholarship in question, most likely they will talk about it online.
  • Contact an advisor at your college. Other students at your college may have received the same scholarship information. An advisor can help you verify the legitimacy of a scholarship and will alert others in the campus community if it is a scam.
  • Tell us about it; call 651.917.3525 or email
National Scholarship Databases

Posted by Unknown On 00.36 0 komentar

Scholarships in Australia

Scholarships in Australia

There are a range of scholarships available for international students wishing to study in Australia. A scholarship can provide help with funds for your study. Competition for scholarships is very strong and you should not rest all of your hopes on obtaining funding, but they are definitely worth investigating.
On this page, we discuss:

Types of scholarships

There are generally three different types of scholarships that you can apply for when considering studying in Australia:
  • tuition scholarships, which cover the cost of your education
  • living and accommodation expenses scholarships
  • full scholarships, which cover both tuition and living costs.
Scholarships may cover expenses for the duration of your course or may only cover one year or consist of a one-off payment.
Most scholarships are based on academic merit, yet there is also some funding available for students from developing countries. Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), for example, provide opportunities for people from eligible countries to undertake tertiary study in Australia in areas relevant to the development needs of their home country so that they may contribute to that country’s long-term development.

Scholarship application tips

There are certain approaches you can take that will increase your chances of gaining a scholarship:
  • Start researching scholarships as early as you can. Make a list of all potential scholarship providers (using the list below) and all the scholarships you are eligible for, including the costs they cover, application requirements and application deadlines.
  • Ensure that you have certified and translated copies of academic transcripts and any other supporting documentation required.
  • Check your eligibility for each scholarship — some are only available to international students from certain countries, while others may be related to a specific course, field of study or level of study (research higher degree, for example).
  • Ensure that you fulfil all the necessary criteria for any given scholarship — some scholarships have very strict terms and conditions, so make sure you read all of the fine print on the application form before filling it out. Note that some institution scholarships do not require an application; you will be automatically considered when you apply for your course.
  • Your application should be reviewed by somebody who speaks fluent English — scholarships committees might overlook your application if it contains grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Even though you might have your heart set on a particular scholarship, you should apply for as many scholarships as possible (even if they are for lesser amounts), as any type of funding is better than no funding at all. Be sure to reapply in future years if you miss out or if the scholarship you receive does not cover the full duration of your course.

Scholarship providers

  • The Australian Government — The Australian Government offers an extensive range of scholarships for international students under the Australia Awards scheme for both achievement and development, including Endeavour Awards, Australian Leadership Awards and Australian Development Scholarships.
  • Government departments in your home country — You can contact the relevant authorities within your home country or your home country’s consulate in Australia.
  • Your Australian education institution — Contact the international student administration team or look through your Australian institution’s website for institution-wide and faculty-specific international student scholarships. Larger institutions usually have a scholarships database that allows you to input your details.
  • Your education institution in your home country — Your current education institution may offer scholarships and bursaries, especially if you are considering exchange or study abroad in Australia.
  • Organisations — This includes international organisations, as well as relevant organisations in your home country and Australia such as charities and industry bodies.
The following websites that outline some of the different scholarships available:
You should also find out what scholarships are available from your preferred Australian higher education institution. Enquire now and make sure to tick the 'Scholarships' box for more information.

Posted by Unknown On 00.29 0 komentar

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